Email # 6: Take a break from social media
staying on social media leads to more anxiety, more disconnection, and more mental distress.
Email #5: Be one who creates
Passivity is not good for our souls. And a habit of passivity is not good for a vibrant democracy. One way to keep ourselves awake is to tend that part of us that creates.
Finding Steady Ground in the Post Election Distress
Finding Steady Ground in the Post Election Distress by Lunden Abelson MA, BC-DMT, LPC Lunden Abelson is a therapist in...
Email #4: Be A Learner
We are not the first people to ever face political and social circumstances like these. If we feel like we're living under an occupation, it's helpful to remember that many people have had that experience before us.
Email #3: Be Loving
When we struggle to interact with big social, political, or economic events, it can be hard to remember that, ultimately, our lives and our pain are personal.
Testimonals #2 Be Connected
What are people doing to implement #2: 2. I will make human-to-human connection with another person and make sure we stay in motion? Here people are letting us know what's working for them.
Prayers While Throwing Stuff
Prayers While Throwing Stuff We each pray for different reasons in different seasons, too often steady-headed, manners-minded, when indelicacy is...
Prayer for Now
Prayer for Now I am breathing in the mystery of the universe May I remember, when my heart breaks...
Prayers, Mediations and Reflections for Behavior # 3
We have to learn to hold the emotions of these times, and continually grow our hearts to be in touch with the suffering of others, both within and beyond our own circle. These prayers, meditations, and reflections are good practice.
Reflection and Prayer
Reflection and Prayer In the name of God, the most Compassionate, Ever Merciful In times of distress, suffering, agony and...